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DEBORAH CALLAGHAN The Little Clothes: extract

Posted on 27 Jun 2024 in Extracts, Fiction |

Deborah Callaghan’s sharply observed debut explores what can happen when a woman feels invisible – and starts pushing the boundaries. Audrey, the 38-year-old protagonist of The Little Clothes, is a smart lawyer who lives alone with her pet...

2024 Midwinter Book Giveaway!

Posted on 25 Jun 2024 in Giveaways & Quizzes |

We’ve just passed the shortest day of the year, so it must be time for a Midwinter Giveaway. Now the days are getting longer … yet also colder. So here’s a great swag of books to cheer away the winter blues. To go into the draw to...

SHARON EMMERICHS Shield Maiden. Reviewed by Amelia Dudley

Posted on 20 Jun 2024 in Fiction, SFF |

Sharon Emmerichs gives the legend of Beowulf a makeover from the point of view of Beowulf’s niece. And yes, there is a dragon. Fryda, niece of the legendary King Beowulf, has always dreamed of becoming a warrior herself, despite her father’s...