We’ve just passed the shortest day of the year, so it must be time for a Midwinter Giveaway.

Now the days are getting longer … yet also colder. So here’s a great swag of books to cheer away the winter blues. To go into the draw to win all four titles, simply email editors@newtownreviewofbooks.com.au with ‘Midwinter′ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Tuesday 25 June 2024. As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries from Australian residents only please.

Nikki Mottram Killarney

The new crime novel from the author of Crows Nest. Child protection worker Dana Gibson arrives in the little town of Killarney to locate a missing foster child, but as she investigates, Dana is forced to consider that Jayden’s disappearance is not simply a case of a teen on the run.

Courtesy of UQP

Vidya Madabushi The Days Toppled Over

Vidya Madabushi’s debut novel explores the lives of Sri Lankan students living in Sydney. Reviewer Sanchana Venkatesh said: ‘This is an Australian novel that has been missing for a long time … [and] highlights how uncertainty and the possibility of displacement can be used as a means to control individuals.’

Courtesy of Penguin Random House

Dominic Gordon Excitable Boy: Essays on risk

These personal essays explore Dominic Gordon’s memories of growing up in and around inner-city Melbourne. ‘This book is a journey through the night and a journey through the underground. [Gordon is] an unsettling guide, but you can absolutely trust him.’ – Christos Tsiolkas

Courtesy of Upswell Publishing

Shubnum Khan The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years

Akbar Manzil is a sprawling mansion on a clifftop above Durban, home to an unhappy djinn who observes its occupants over the generations. Reviewer Ann Skea said: ‘Shubnum Khan has beautifully crafted a rich and exotic tale of love and loss, steeped in the sort of magic that is found in The Arabian Nights.’

Courtesy of Bloomsbury

Remember, to go in the draw to win all four books, email editors@newtownreviewofbooks.com.au with ‘Midwinter’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Tuesday 25 June 2024.

If you’d like to help keep the Newtown Review of Books a free and independent site for book reviews, please consider making a donation. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Tags: book giveaway, Dominic | Gordon, Nikki | Mottram, Shubnum | Khan, Vidya | Madabushi

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