by NRB | 18 Jun 2024 | Fiction |
Bel Schenk’s deceptively simple novel of a teenage boy’s response to a small-town scandal has a lot to say about gender relations. The Most Famous Boy in Town is the first novel from Bel Schenk, a Melbourne-based poet with three published poetry collections. It has a...
by NRB | 27 May 2016 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
Humphrey McQueen once claimed to have been the only person to have read Xavier Herbert’s massive novel Poor Fellow My Country (1975) from start to finish and I’ve never heard him contradicted. Some books are like that. In Woody Allen’s brilliant comedy Zelig (1983),...
by NRB | 19 Nov 2012 | Fiction, SFF |
China Miéville continues to give a poetic and intelligent edge to the fantasy genre. This new book is an absolute joy. Miéville’s writing in Railsea is full of clever allusions, sly glances at popular culture and the work of other writers, wit, and warmth. As well,...