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Posted on 26 Jun 2017 in Giveaways & Quizzes |

Midwinter 2017 Giveaway #1

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Yes, it’s winter, and we have stacks of glorious books to give away.  To win this bundle of four titles, simply email with ‘WINTER #1’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by 6pm Tuesday 27 June 2017.  As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries from Australian residents only, please.

Kathryn Heyman Storm and Grace

Grace Cain is smitten by the famous free-diver Storm Hisray, and abandons her city life to follow him to his idyllic Pacific island. There, Storm teaches her how to swim to the depths on a single breath. But the relationship takes a frightening turn …

‘A slow and sinister burn, you’ll find yourself submerged in Grace’s claustrophobic world.’ – Herald Sun

Courtesy of Allen & Unwin


Mark Lukach My Lovely Wife: a memoir of madness and hope

Mark and Giulia fell for each other in their teens and married in their twenties. Then, at 27, Giulia suffered a terrifying psychotic breakdown. This intensely personal odyssey offers an insight into the care-giving side of mental illness.

‘An honest and rewarding memoir of a couple’s compassion and love for each other’
– Kirkus
‘A dazzling, loving and hugely courageous book’ – The Times

Courtesy of Pan Macmillan

Adrian Goldsworthy Vindolanda

In 98 AD the bustling army base at Vindolanda lies on the northern frontier of Britannia and the entire Roman world. Flavius Ferox is a Briton and a Roman centurion who must keep the peace on this wild frontier …

‘An authentic, enjoyable read’ – The Times.

Courtesy of HarperCollins



Kim Wilkins Sisters of the Fire

The warrior princess Bluebell is believed to be unkillable. When she learns that the raven king, Hakon, has wrought a sword specifically to slay her, she sets out to find it — before it finds her.

‘…superb world building… intriguing, genuine, rich.’ – Kirkus Review

‘A vividly rendered world, with characters that just leap off the page’ – Kate Forsyth

Courtesy of Harlequin Mira and Australian Voices in Print

Remember, to go in the draw to win these four books, simply email with ‘WINTER #1‘ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by 6pm Tuesday 27 June 2017. Good luck!