Winter is coming … so of course you need a bundle of great books for those long cold nights. To go in the draw to win all four of the titles below, simply email with ‘Winter 2′ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Wednesday 24 May 2023. As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries from Australian residents only please.

Ashley Kalagian Blunt Dark Mode

Reagan Carsen comes across the site of a gruesome murder – of a woman who looks just like her. In her review, Karen Chisholm wrote: ‘On a deeper level, this is a novel that explores the question so often asked about those nearest and dearest to a killer or a violent manipulator: how did they not know? … This is the most important question Dark Mode raises, and it leaves a lot to think about. Which is exactly what good crime fiction does when it sets out to expose social failings.’

Courtesy of Ultimo Press

Sally Colin-James One Illumined Thread

This sweeping historical novel follows the lives of three women separated by centuries yet connected by longing and a singular creative spirit. In ancient Judea, an outcast woman masters the art of glassblowing; in Renaissance Florence, an abandoned wife struggles to find a way to support herself; and in contemporary Australia a talented textile conservator is desperate to break free from the isolation that puts her life at risk.

Courtesy of Fourth Estate

Kate Scott Compulsion

It is the turn of the new millennium, and the bright young things are partying like it’s the end of the world. Dark glamour and debauched music reign, and Lucy, editor of a music magazine, is at the blazing neon centre. But as her life veers from complicated to chaotic, she burns it all down, decamping to the remote seaside town of her childhood to start again.

Courtesy of Penguin Random House

Michael Thompson How to be Remembered

This is the story of Tommy Llewellyn, how he falls in love and grows up being constantly forgotten. On the same day every year, everyone around him forgets he exists. Determined to finally carve out a life for himself and land the girl of his dreams, Tommy sets out on a mission to trick the universe and be remembered.

Courtesy of Allen and Unwin

Remember, to go in the draw to win all four books, email with ‘Winter 2’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Wednesday 24 May 2023.

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Tags: Ashley Kalagian | Blunt, giveaways, Kate | Scott, MIchael | Thompson, Sally | Colin-James

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