by NRB | 24 Dec 2021 | Fiction, Non-fiction |
Which were the reviews you enjoyed the most this year? We’ve come up with the ten most popular reviews we’ve run this year, based on reader views. Inevitably it skews a little to reviews we ran earlier in the year (as there has been more time for readers to...
by NRB | 21 Apr 2021 | Giveaways |
Our autumn giveaways continue with this fab bundle of books. To go in the draw to win all four, simply email with ‘Autumn 2′ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Wednesday...
by NRB | 4 Feb 2021 | Fiction |
Set in wartime London, Rebecca Starford’s debut novel brings a true story of espionage to life. When I was halfway through this book I discovered, by accident, that it is based on real wartime espionage that occurred in London between 1939 and 1940. Evelyn, the...