by NRB | 8 Mar 2022 | Non-fiction |
Van Badham explores the internet’s alternative reality. This is a book about how internet conspiracies have grown to influence world politics, with dangerous real-life consequences. Badham traces the rise of internet channels from Japanese anime imageboards on...
by NRB | 18 May 2021 | Non-fiction |
Laura Bates has produced a confronting examination of extreme misogyny in Men Who Hate Women. Best known for creating the Everyday Sexism Project, in Men Who Hate Women Laura Bates has produced a book that is more polemic than a considered work of traditional...
by NRB | 11 Oct 2012 | Non-fiction |
He’s anti-abortion and his career owes a debt to Alan Jones. Does Tony Abbott have a problem with women? There’s an unsettling recent tradition of the political subjects of Quarterly Essays meeting with ill fortune. Think of Annabel Crabb’s profile of then-Opposition...