by NRB | 5 Jun 2018 | Fiction |
Storyland carries us into new imaginative places – past, present and future. ‘To dare is to do!’ The 15-year-old cabin boy repeats this mantra when terror, like a giant black wave, threatens to overwhelm him. The boy is William Martin, and he’s aboard a tiny...
by NRB | 2 May 2014 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
In the mid-1980s I visited Egypt, briefly. I did the usual things – spent some time in Cairo and Alexandria, saw the pyramids and the Sphinx, went up the Nile by boat to Luxor and Karnak and did some temple gazing. The monuments left me cold and, after reading Toby...
by NRB | 2 Jan 2014 | Giveaways |
Test your feline intuition with this special quiz celebrating our literary cats. Answers are posted below. Good luck! 1 TS Eliot wrote a book of poems that inspired the hit musical Cats. What was the title of the original book? ...