by NRB | 22 Jun 2018 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
I’ve written before about conversations with taxi drivers, and I happened to meet a couple of interesting ones recently. On my way home in a taxi after one of my multifarious medical appointments, I began chatting about nothing in particular as is my wont. The driver...
by NRB | 3 Oct 2017 | Fiction |
In The Necessary Angel, CK Stead articulates the careless lives of privileged Parisians in a contemporary world of chaos, terrorism and war. The title references lines by Wallace Stevens: ‘I am the necessary angel of earth, Since, in my sight, you see the earth...
by NRB | 23 Dec 2014 | Fiction, Non-fiction |
From crime to literature, through ASIO and memoir to the bush – our Editors failed to coincide on a single title. Not all of these books were published in 2014, but they were our stand-out reads of the year. Jean’s picks: Elizabeth is Missing Emma Healey....