by NRB | 23 Aug 2018 | Giveaways |
Yes, it’s still August but the the sun is shining, the blossom is blossoming, and hay fever is on the rise. So let’s give away some books to get you in the mood for next month’s series of spring giveaways. To go in the draw to win...
by NRB | 14 Aug 2018 | Non-fiction |
One is driven by a keen sense of social justice, and an intolerance of all the ways in which society devalues those who, for various reasons, live alone. If this is the age of single living, as Ita Buttrose proclaims on the cover of this book by Clare Payne, it...
by NRB | 26 Jun 2018 | Non-fiction |
For decades, Mackay has warned in mild tones about the social costs of our retreat into consumerism: now he is calling us out more stridently. It’s been a while since I reviewed one of Hugh Mackay’s books, and when I heard him being interviewed on Radio National about...