SUSANNA CLARKE Piranesi. Reviewed by Louise Mentor

SUSANNA CLARKE Piranesi. Reviewed by Louise Mentor

Fans of Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell will not be disappointed by her latest offering. Piranesi is a transcendental mystery set in a harsh yet wondrous fantasy world that raises challenging questions about the nature of reality, identity, and...
SAM COLEY State Highway One: extract

SAM COLEY State Highway One: extract

We’re delighted to bring you an extract from Sam Coley’s debut novel State Highway One, winner of the Richell Prize for Emerging Writers. Told with intimacy and pace, it’s a story of reconnecting with home and confronting the wounds of the past. Alex hasn’t seen his...
Autumn Giveaway #5

Autumn Giveaway #5

This is the last in this series of Autumn Giveaways, so don’t miss out! To go in the draw, simply email with ‘Autumn 5′ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Monday 6 April...
KIRSTEN KRAUTH Almost A Mirror: extract

KIRSTEN KRAUTH Almost A Mirror: extract

Welcome to the first of our new series of Friday extracts – a little something for the end of the week. If you like the idea, please let us know! We’re delighted to launch with an extract from Kirsten Krauth’s new novel Almost A Mirror. This is a...