by NRB | 14 Nov 2024 | Fiction |
The author of Love Objects and An Isolated Incident turns to historical fiction to tell the story of a young ninth-century woman whose quest for knowledge will not be denied. Rapture is a romance. Not just because it follows the love and passion of an unconventional...
by NRB | 24 Dec 2021 | Fiction, Non-fiction |
Which were the reviews you enjoyed the most this year? We’ve come up with the ten most popular reviews we’ve run this year, based on reader views. Inevitably it skews a little to reviews we ran earlier in the year (as there has been more time for readers to...
by NRB | 6 May 2021 | Fiction |
The sixth novel from the author of An Isolated Incident and Fishing for Tigers explores hoarding, shame and class. Narrated from the points of view of three people from the same extended family, Love Objects is a study of hoarding, violations of private spaces,...
by NRB | 19 Dec 2017 | Fiction, Non-fiction |
For the first time in NRB’s history, Jean and Linda both have the same title on their books-of-the-year lists. What could it be? Read on to find out … Jean’s picks (As I was one of the judges for the Ned Kelly Awards this year, I read a lot of wonderful Australian...
by NRB | 15 Aug 2017 | Crime Scene |
The Ned Kelly Awards are run by the Australian Crime Writers Association and have been going since 1995. I was lucky enough to be one of three judges of the Best Fiction category of the Ned Kelly Awards for this year. As it’s been impossible to keep up with...
by NRB | 23 Dec 2016 | Fiction, Non-fiction |
Unusually, this year Jean only features one crime novel, but as usual our picks are widely different. Linda’s close following of Australian women’s fiction is evident, while Jean has returned to some classics. Jean’s picks: Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean...
by NRB | 7 Jun 2016 | Fiction |
Emily Maguire combines a page-turner with a provocative reflection on violence against women. Emily Maguire’s latest novel tells the story of the aftermath of the murder of a young woman, aged-care worker Bella Michaels, in the little town of Strathdee, somewhere...