by NRB | 21 Jul 2017 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
I have no idea what percentage of mainstream films is based on books. Does anyone? I suspect it’s quite high. In the crime field there have been notable failures. I’ve written before about Howard Hawks’s version of The Big Sleep (1946). It captures some of the...
by NRB | 9 Jun 2017 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
Godfather Peter Corris is still on a sickie, though we hope he’ll be back soon (this column-writing lark is harder than it looks). Meanwhile NRB Editors continue to share their random thoughts. This week Jean Bedford talks about teaching writing and gives...
by NRB | 14 Jul 2015 | SFF |
Which is more dangerous? Aliens bearing gifts? Or human nature? Paul McAuley is a multi-award-winning speculative fiction author whose Quiet War series, which spawned four novels and a collection of short stories, is one of the most enjoyable space-based speculative...
by NRB | 3 Apr 2015 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
Recently I bought, cheaply, the DVD of one of my favourite Western films, Martin Ritt’s Hombre (1967). It stars Paul Newman at his most handsome, Frederic March suitably crabbed, Diane Cilento doing very well as a tough woman of the West, and Richard Boone at his...
by NRB | 6 Jul 2012 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
We know that video killed the radio star, but what killed the Western genre? Up until the 1960s the Western, in novels, pulp novelettes and short stories, was immensely popular, possibly as popular as crime fiction is today. I never saw my father open a book, but I’m...