by NRB | 3 Jun 2021 | Fiction |
Zakiya Dalila Harris has made good use of her experience as a Black woman working in New York publishing in this impressive debut novel. The Preface to this story is headed ‘December 1983, Grand Central Station, Midtown, Manhattan’. A Black woman is fleeing from...
by NRB | 4 Jul 2019 | Fiction |
Jessica Dettmann’s debut romantic comedy blends the family drama of Liane Moriarty with the humour of Sophie Kinsella. Emma’s husband Troy loves her. He insists that he loves her, even when Emma discovers Troy’s affair with his Pilates instructor in this...
by NRB | 26 Mar 2019 | Non-fiction |
Award-winning biographer Jacqueline Kent has written books about Beatrice Davis, Hephzibah Menuhin and Julia Gillard, but here she tells a much more personal story of her relationship with the writer Kenneth Cook. Jacqueline Kent’s memoir is the story of a love...
by NRB | 16 Jun 2017 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
The conference centre at Mt Eliza. As Peter Corris continues to recuperate, the NRB editors share their random thoughts. This week Linda writes about editing and the Residential Editorial Program. People most often associate editing with things like spelling and...
by NRB | 2 May 2017 | Non-fiction |
Trailblazing literary agent Rosemary Creswell died on 19 April 2017 after a long illness. Jean and Linda each pay tribute. Linda Funnell: Eulogy given at Rose’s funeral on 28 April 2017 Dear Rose, how lucky I was to know you. How lucky we all were to...
by NRB | 24 Nov 2015 | Non-fiction |
This memoir provides insights into the editor’s world, and winning and losing in the publishing game. Craig Munro poses the central dilemma of this book on the opening page, that author–editor relationships are ‘hidden from public scrutiny by an underworld-style code...
by NRB | 17 Feb 2015 | Fiction |
The world lost more than a household name when Colleen McCullough died on 29 January. Over 15 years, off and on, I published and edited Colleen McCullough in Australia. She was not only an internationally recognised bestselling author and an official...
by NRB | 15 Jun 2012 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
It’s often said that writing is a solitary, lonely business. Well, I suppose the actual act of writing is done alone, but I never minded the kids coming in to ask what I was doing or to request a peanut butter sandwich; and Christopher Smart and Raymond Chandler had...