by NRB | 2 Oct 2018 | Non-fiction |
From Charlotte Brontë and Elizabeth Gaskell to Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield, Midorikawa and Sweeney celebrate the friendships between women writers. I’ve heard people say that what ensures a writer’s continued productivity are things like having a...
by NRB | 9 Jun 2017 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
Godfather Peter Corris is still on a sickie, though we hope he’ll be back soon (this column-writing lark is harder than it looks). Meanwhile NRB Editors continue to share their random thoughts. This week Jean Bedford talks about teaching writing and gives...
by NRB | 28 Jul 2016 | Fiction |
You don’t need to have read Jane Eyre to love Wide Sargasso Sea, but if you have, you will never think of it in the same way again. Wide Sargasso Sea writes back to Jane Eyre as a prequel. It traces the life of Rochester’s wife, Antoinette, from before she...