by NRB | 30 May 2024 | Fiction |
Set in 17th-century London, Lauren Chater’s new novel brings together a royal artist, a young woman’s quest and the real-life Anne Hyde. What do you do if the king invites you to share his bed but you find the idea repulsive? A wave of nausea ripples through her...
by NRB | 4 Dec 2012 | The Godfather: Peter Corris |
The NRB editors have invited me to nominate the best books I’ve read in 2012. As I explained in a Godfather column earlier this year (NRB 31 June), I keep a list of books I’ve read, with a brief assessment, and I assign each book a mark out of ten. This makes it...
by NRB | 27 Nov 2012 | Fiction |
This sequel to Restoration is a hectic, witty adventure set in seventeenth-century England and Europe. When, in my constant search for a readable historical novel, I encountered Rose Tremain’s Restoration in 1980, my day was made (several days actually). It was a romp...