by NRB | 7 Aug 2018 | Non-fiction |
Leviathan and Girt are engaging because they do what official histories shy away from – they spin a ripping yarn. We Australians have a strained relationship with our past. As the ongoing culture wars rage ever louder, it might seem that we respond to our history...
by NRB | 10 Jan 2017 | Non-fiction |
Street continues to blend fact and witticisms as he takes on Captain Abbott’s mutinous replacement. As your humble scribe suggested when reviewing The Short and Excruciatingly Embarrassing Reign of Captain Abbott, Andrew P Street could well have embarked upon a sequel...
by NRB | 13 Dec 2016 | Non-fiction |
In True Girt Hunt successfully blends his tongue-in-cheekiness and sometimes dark humour with detailed research. Following on from the death of Governor Macquarie, the cliffhanger ending of his 2013 bestseller Girt, Hunt’s new volume opens with the colonisation of...
by NRB | 6 Sep 2016 | Fiction |
Ben Pobjie’s Error Australis gives new insights into the reality show of Australian history. Professional recapper Ben Pobjie has summarised the entirety of the long-running series Australia, which remains on-air and popular around the world. This...
by NRB | 2 Feb 2016 | Non-fiction |
This unashamedly partisan account of Australia’s recent political history is part comedy, part reality check. It’s been said that on the night Tony Abbott lost power, you could hear the sound of a thousand comedians crying. And not only in Australia – tears were shed...