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Posted on 21 Dec 2015 in Giveaways & Quizzes |

Summer Giveaway 2015 #4

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Some great summer reading … To win this fabulous bundle of books, simply email us at by 6pm Wednesday 23 December with ‘Summer Giveaway #4’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email. As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries are restricted to Australian residents only.

lastpulseAnson Cameron The Last Pulse

In a drought-stricken town in South Australia, Merv Rossiter has an epiphany after his wife’s suicide. He trucks north with his young daughter and blows up a Queensland dam, setting off picaresque adventures and a crisis for the Federal Government. ‘… vibrantly witty, scathing in its social analysis.’ – Peter Pierce

Courtesy of Vintage

kirraleelewisJane Harrison Becoming Kirrali Lewis

Winner of the 2014 State Library of Queensland’s Black&write Fellowship, this YA/crossover novel is the story of an Indigenous girl adopted into a white family. It’s a story about the search for identity – and for Kirralee, finding her birth parents may not be entirely what she expected. ‘Highly readable.’ – Dianne Dempsey

Courtesy of Magabala Books

goodmoneyJM Green Good Money

Set mostly in the Western suburbs of Melbourne, JM Green’s Good Money introduces Stella Hardy, a wise-cracking social worker with a taste for laksa and alcohol and a thirst for social justice. ‘Good Money introduces the reader to a new character who deserves a good long series.’ – Karen Chisholm

Courtesy of Scribe


battarbeeMartin Edmond Battarbee and Namatjira

This double biography of two Australian artists makes use of Rex Battarbee’s diaries to explore the relationship between the two painters and throw new light on their lives and work.  ‘A fine and rich account of two fascinating, deeply influential Australian artists.’ – Philip Jones

Courtesy of Giramondo

Don’t forget, all you need to do to enter is email us at by 6pm 23 December with ‘Summer Giveaway #4’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email. Good luck!