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Posted on 18 Jan 2018 in Giveaways & Quizzes |

Summer 2018 Giveaway #2

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Oh, to be swinging in a hammock by the sea on a fine summer day … with a good book, of course. Well, we can’t provide the hammock but we can provide some books.  To win this bundle of four titles, simply email us at by 6pm Friday 19 January 2018 with Summer #2 in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email. As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries from Australian residents only please.

Nyunggai Warren Mundine Warren Mundine in Black + White: Race, Politics and Changing Australia

From poverty and living in a tent beside a river, to depression and attempted suicide, to the heights of political power as National President of the Australian Labor Party and advisor to five prime ministers, both Labor and Liberal, this is the story of one of Australia’s most controversial and influential Indigenous leaders.

Courtesy of Pantera Press



Charlie Archbold Mallee Boys

Winner of the 2016 Adelaide Festival Unpublished Manuscript Award. This debut novel follows 15-year-old Sandy and his 18-year-old brother Red over the course of a year following the death of their mother. The Mallee might seem like the middle of nowhere, but this is going to be one hell of a year.

Courtesy of Wakefield Press



Richard Beasley The Burden of Lies

The second Peter Tanner legal thriller. Is bankrupt property developer Tina Leonard guilty of murdering her former banker Oliver Randall? Or did Randall simply know too much about the bank he worked for? And who really owned all that cocaine? Tanner tangles with craven banks, a client who can’t talk, and danger too close to home.

Courtesy of Simon & Schuster



Amy Stewart Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confessions: A Kopp sisters novel

Deputy sheriff Constance Kopp is outraged to see young women brought into the Hackensack jail on dubious charges of waywardness, incorrigibility and moral depravity. Constance uses her authority to investigate and defend these women when no one else will. But it’s her sister Fleurette who puts Constance’s beliefs about how a woman should behave to the test.

Courtesy of Scribe 


Remember, to win all four titles, simply email us at by 6pm Friday 19 January 2018 with Summer #2 in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email.