Spying and novel writing are made for each other. Both call for a ready eye for human transgressions and the many routes to betrayal.
– and in his account of how all zones of conflict have a bolthole/watering hole for journalists, spies and so on:In the end I flew to Beirut anyway, and booked myself into the Commodore Hotel because it was owned by Palestinians, and because it was known for its indulgence towards journalists, spies and similar fauna.
It is also evident in his graphic description of the ill-fated Stephen Ward (charged with living off Christine Keeler’s immoral earnings in the notorious Profumo Affair) in court:But I do remember with certainty the exhaustion in Ward’s face as, aware that we were some sort of VIPs, he turned to greet us: the fraught, aquiline profile, skin stretched tight, the rigid smile and exophthalmic eyes reddened and ringed with tiredness; and the husky smoker’s voice, playing it for nonchalance.
A subject he devotes considerable time and interest to is films, particularly those made of his own books: ‘Movie-making is the enforced bonding of irreconcilable opposites.’ Cornwell is adept at capturing the pointed and often funny bons mots made by people he has met. For example, he happened to be with poet Joseph Brodsky when the news came through that Brodsky had won the Nobel Prize. The poet grabbed Cornwell in an embrace and whispered in his ear, ‘Now for a year of being glib.’ On another occasion with the cast and crew of the BBC production of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Cornwell was standing by Alec Guinness when a late arrival turned up wearing a bright green checked suit and orange shoes. ‘Oh, Bernard,’ Guinness said, ‘you’ve come as a frog.’ Needless to say, Cornwell captures the Guinness delivery – soft, slow, slightly camp, unique – perfectly. As a more or less stay-at-home novelist who has drawn material from brief excursions to relatively safe spots such as Morocco, California, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Norfolk Island, I am filled with admiration for Cornwell’s researches in Cambodia, the Congo and the Middle East, where he was sometimes seriously in harm’s way. His treatment of these episodes is low-key, focussed not on himself but on those in even more distress or danger. Some of the stories are inconsequential or the joke does not quite come off. But there are not many of these, and not often. The long chapter about Cornwell’s con-man father, Ronnie, is a tour de force. Cornwell has ventured here before, particularly when writing and being interviewed about his 1986 novel A Perfect Spy, where he based the protagonist partly on his father. But in The Pigeon Tunnel he goes into much more detail, ducking and weaving, seeking himself in Ronnie and checking on his childhood memories. And he draws his mother, with whom he had no contact for 17 years, and his older brother, with whom he seems to have had a strange relationship varying from love and dependence when young to cool scepticism later, into the enquiry net. This chapter contains the best descriptive, and imaginative, writing in the book. It is all done with the style and manner referred to above – urbane, self-deprecating, generous. But again, much of the content is a response to material in Sisman’s biography. The two books stand in a very odd relationship. I can’t imagine that Sisman would take it kindly, but I suppose, when you are John le Carré, you can do as you please. John le Carré The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from my life Viking 2016 PB 320 pp $32.99; CD $39.99 You can buy The Pigeon Tunnel from Abbey’s at a 10% discount by quoting the promotion code NEWTOWNREVIEW here or you can buy it from Booktopia here. To see if it is available from Newtown Library, click here.Tags: Adam | Sisman, Alec | Guinness, John | le Carre, Joseph | Brodsky, Profumo Affair, Richard | Burton, Stephen | Ward
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