· ‘Australian football is Victoria’s sport’, an unfortunate slip by Nadel that immediately gets up the nose of this Adelaide reviewer. I have no argument with the game originating in Victoria.
· Australian football matches in Melbourne attract the largest weekly crowds in the country.
· Bell’s Beach Surfing Classic is the ‘longest continually running surfing contest in the world’.
· In cricket, Melbourne staged the world’s first Test match in 1877, the first limited-over international match in 1970, and Victoria was the first winner of the Sheffield Shield.
· In cycling, the Austral Wheel Race is the world’s oldest track cycling handicap race and the Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic is Australia’s oldest road cycling race and the second oldest in the world.
· Victoria is the ‘powerhouse of Australian racing’ and hosts more than half of the top 25 races in the country including the richest, the Melbourne Cup.
· The Melbourne Olympic Games was the first staged in the Southern Hemisphere.
Perhaps there is something to brag about. Editing 179 entries from so many different contributors is a difficult task and Nadel and Ryan have done an outstanding job in ensuring consistent quality and readability. Given the breadth of material, it is difficult to signal highlights so a couple of short passages will have to suffice. In his essay on boxing, Arnold Thomas writes of an 1888 match between Australian heavyweight Frank ‘Paddy’ Slavin and Irishman Jack Burke at the Hibernian Hall, and, in particular, of the referee, the Eighth Marquis of Queensberry:When the noble gent arrived, the crowd outside was so great that he was unable to enter the front door. This called for drastic measures, so three burly fellows lifted the Marquis through a window. During this clumsy manoeuvre, some light-fingered person stole his watch. Order was quickly restored, the pick pocket was caught and the timepiece returned to its owner.
And then there is this from Ryan on women’s golf:Margie Masters created a stir when she returned to Australia in 1967 and played in Bermuda shorts … Since the early 1900s golf attire reflected the fashion of the day. Long skirts and button-up blouses gave way to tweed skirts and cardigans. Check flares and mini skirts became shorts and less flamboyant trousers. In recent years, players have returned to skirts, fitted tops, and, for the young, bare midriffs. Dress regulations have continued to keep pace with changes in fashion.
In assembling a book of this type an important feature is balance and on this the editors can rarely be faulted. All the major sports or those which have been important in the past – athletics, Australian football, boxing, cricket, cycling, golf, horse racing, netball and tennis – receive between six and 10 pages in their primary entries and the only sports that get short shrift are soccer with three pages, and basketball one and half. Most of the second-level sports such as baseball, harness racing, hockey, lacrosse, lawn bowls, and motor cycle and motor racing are well catered for in two or three pages; and minor sports such as bocce, paintball, petanque, orienteering and trugo cannot complain with the third or half pages allotted to them. The one area where an imbalance lies is the space given to special events: 11 lines for the AFL Grand Final, half a page for the Formula One Grand Prix and Australian Open Tennis championships, and a mere eight lines for the Melbourne Cup, compared to eight pages for the Melbourne Olympics, reveals a need for adjustment. Sport in Victoria likely drew its inspiration from The Oxford Companions to Australian Sport and Australian Cricket published in the 1990s. Unlike those companions, however, there are no separate biographical entries in this volume. It might seem a strange history of Victorian sport that finds no room for mention of Shane Warne but it is understood that biographical material can be readily sourced from the internet and is being constantly updated. In any event pen portraits of figures such as athlete John Landy, baseballer Graeme Lloyd, equestrian Bill Roycroft, golfer Peter Thomson, entrepreneur John Wren (horse racing, harness racing, boxing) and others are found within their relevant sports. The book is stylishly produced in A4 format and the illustrative material is exceptional. While my favourite images are the John Brack painting of Collingwood footballers Lou Richards, Jack Regan and Phonse Kyne, and the photograph of the art deco grandstand at Glenferrie Oval, the overall selection and placement of pictures, sketches and posters provides significant additions to a fine publication. Dave Nadel and Graeme Ryan (Eds) Sport in Victoria: A history Ryan Publishing 2015 PB 400pp $79.95 Bernard Whimpress is an Adelaide-based historian who usually writes on sport. His most recent book is The Official MCC Story of the Ashes, 2015. You can buy this book from Abbey’s here or from Booktopia here. To see if it is available from Newtown Library, click here.Tags: Anthony | Trollope, Australian sport, Dave | Nadel, Graeme | Ryan
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