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Posted on 28 Mar 2018 in Giveaways & Quizzes |

Autumn 2018 Giveaway #4

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Our final giveaway in this series. Don’t miss out! To go in the draw to win all four of these books, simply email with ‘Autumn 4’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Wednesday 28 March 2018. As we cannot afford to post giveaway bundles overseas, entries from Australian residents only please.

Cynthia Banham A Certain Light: a memoir of family, loss and hope

For a long time [this story] was too painful to tell … It had to be more than a story about surviving a plane crash, a random event without intrinsic meaning. Written for her young son so that he would know what had happened to his mother, Cynthia Banham found the lives of her Italian grandfather Alfredo and his sister Amelia resonated with her own. The result is a story about what it means to survive.

Courtesy of Allen & Unwin


Wendy James The Golden Child

Shortlisted for the 2017 Ned Kelly Award for Best Crime Fiction (you can read Jean’s account of all the shortlisted titles here). Blogger Lizzy’s life is shiny, happy, normal. Tw0 gorgeous children, a handsome husband, destiny under control. But in real life things are unravelling. When a  student is callously bullied and one of her girls is blamed, two families are forced to question everything they believe about their children.

Courtesy of HarperCollins


Yoav Blum The Coincidence Makers

The Israeli bestseller now available in English. The first thing you should know is: there is no such thing as coincidence … Call us what you will, guardians, agents, sentinels or perhaps spirits, angels, demons. No matter how you think of us, we have one purpose. We are architects of chance, we make coincidences. ‘A smart, unpredictable, and heartfelt adventure story’ — Kirkus Reviews

Courtesy of Pan Macmillan


Rory Clements Nucleus

June 1939: England is partying like there is no tomorrow, but the good times won’t last. In Europe the Nazis have invaded Czechoslovakia. And in Germany Otto Hahn has made the atomic bomb possible. The German High Command suspect the English are not far behind them. When one of England’s finest brains is murdered, Professor Tom Wilde unveils a conspiracy in which the fate of the world rests on the discovery of a kidnapped child.

Courtesy of Bonnier 


Remember, to enter email with ‘Autumn 4’ in the subject line and your name and address in the body of the email by midnight tonight, Wednesday 28 March 2018.